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to me this is why pc gaming is great. love doom, love mods, love communities

Reminds me of an old game named Pike

Awesome mod, many people really like it. Don't stop developing! 

Did I understand correctly that there is no sound of bots firing in version 0.4b?

Really nice really cool game, i love it. Got some technical suggestions; put the +INTERPOLATEANGLES flag on the laser sight so it rotates smoothly and add an option for the tank turning not changing directions when going backwards.


Here's a playthrough of the latest update!

This is really fun, I look forward to a full release.


Reposting my 32BitJam Review here:

This game is oozing with style. It is super fun and just enough challenge. I would happily pump quarters into an arcade cabinet with this running.

First thing I did is I went into settings and turned the texture filtering off and BAM. Amazing pixel art all crisp in fullscreen. It looks amazing.

This game is fun, looks good, and is a DOOM MOD!

Awesome job.

(That CRT screenshot makes me want to go find an old CRT right now.)


This is impressive - considering it's done with gzDoom. I'd love to see this done standalone, maybe with modes or more gameplay elements like powerups, customization, etc.

Made a video

Looks very good, feels very good to play and somehow fits into a tiny wad. I hope there are gonna be upgrades, extra weapons or something else to increase damage output.


This is really good! I love the style, the cannon mechanic and the way you can't shoot behind you add just enough depth to keep it interesting. And on top of all that, the fact that it's actually built on a 90s engine is ๐Ÿ˜™๐Ÿ‘Œ